Getting Outdoors

Lovely thoughts from my lovely partner.

Finding Center

Recently I was reading another mother’s blog about the joys and challenges of caring for a baby. In it, she writes about how being inside is both overstimulating and under stimulating for babies. My partner and my mother have both noted how much easier they find taking care of Emeline when outside. Initially, we put it down to the fact that I love to be outside and take her walking at least 4-6 miles each day. Nothing soothes me more than getting outside and moving, especially in the trees. But guess what ~ it looks like it might be a universality about babies!

Research validates the benefits of spending time outside. Children who spend time outside move more, are more likely to make believe and engage their creative minds, and feel a sense of safety and control  which helps contribute to the development of self confidence, decision making and organizational skills. Encouraged…

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